Your brand projects your personality, represents your values and shapes trust and loyalty from all you come in contact with. We help brands live through web design and digital content, brand creation, advertising, graphic design and strategic social media campaigns. We will work with you to give your brand the right impact for your organisation.


Buckfast Abbey: The logo has evolved over time and as well as refreshing the logo from time to time we also created several special logos to celebrate the Millennium in 2018. A beautiful illustrative logo embracing words dear to Buckfast Abbey.

Ad Fontes: As part of the special Millennium celebrations at Buckfast Abbey it launched its own record label. The name of the label is taken from the Abbey’s motto, Psalm 41: Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus (Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God).

Below:  Just a small selection of various branding projects for Buckfast Abbey’s Northgate House Hotel including menus, the Monastic Way Exhibition window dressing, logo and stationery design for a specialist vestments designer, Sigrid Verschraeghen.